Virtual Learning 101 – How to Get Organized for Success

Here are some tips and FREE printables to help you and your student(s) have a great start to homeschooling or virtual learning this year!

Daily Routines, Schedules, and Expectations

  • Routines are a vital part of a student’s school day – many students thrive off of routine! Having a schedule can also help your student be more independent.
  • Think about when your child learns best and put their most difficult subjects during that time.
  • Make sure to allow time for brain breaks and “recess” – some students may need frequent, shorter breaks, and some may need fewer, longer breaks.
  • Tell your student your expectations – or make a list together!

Snack and Meal Plans

  • With this snack plan, your child gets 7 choices every week. If they choose Peanut Butter Crackers the first day, they cross it off, and have to choose something different the next day.
  • Using a snack plan &/or meal plan can help you avoid too many unhealthy foods and unnecessary waste
  • By planning ahead you can have more free time and less stress

School Work Storage and Organization

  • Make sure your student know where to put their materials so nothing gets lost
  • Magazine files are a great way to store school work by subject
  • A portable file organizer box can help your student keep their papers organized while having the flexibility to move their materials to a different area
  • Your student may enjoy using a weekly checklist to stay organized. (For extra motivation, they could use small stickers in each of the boxes!)

Plan Ahead, Celebrate Success, and Ask for Help

  • During the weekend, check your student’s schedule for the week and make sure you have all of the materials they need to complete their assignments
  • End the day on a positive note with a fun activity or by giving your child positive feedback about some of their work from the day.
  • If you are struggling, know that you are not alone! Ask for help when you need it.

You can read my previous Virtual Learning 101 post here!
(Includes FREE printable Growth Mindset Motivational Posters!)