Wunderfrau Interview: Kat Becker – Cattail Organics

Kat Becker – Cattail Organics

What do you do?

I am a Certified Organic Produce, herb and flower farmher (farmer) in Athens WI and a momma to three kids (4, 7, and 10)! I serve the Wausau, Athens and Medford areas with my Community Supported Agriculture Program; and sell directly to small grocery stores and restaurants in the area and in Stevens Point.

What education, classes or training were helpful to you?

I am always learning, even after 15 years in Organic Agriculture! My college and graduate education were huge helps for me, even though they weren’t in this field because they taught me so much about how the world works, communication, writing and more. In my field I have learned the most from on the job training (working for other people and myself); from the MOSES Organic Conference; from the Annual Organic Vegetable Production workshops in Madison WI.

What do you like best about your job?

I love being my own boss and the knowledge that my hard work goes to feeding local families the best quality food in the area. I love that my own kids get to connect with and take care of the environment and the fact that I can offer a window into farming for other families and kids!

What advice would you give girls who want to get into your field?

I would work for a farm with a strong female farmer who owns and works on the farm. I also would say that working on the most professional farm you can find is the best first step in becoming a farmer. Sustainable agriculture is increasingly made up of women – and globally women do the majority of all farm work – so while many people here think of farming as a man’s job it isn’t!

Anything else we should know?

For all girls and women, I think one of the most important things to learn is self-care. Many of us are taught to take care of others which is a beautiful thing, but to do that best, we need to be able to rest, relax, take care of our bodies and souls!

Thank you Kat Becker!

To read more interviews with local wonder women, check out the Wunderfrauen Archive.