These summer reading programs not only promote literacy, but they provide kids with fun prizes! Check out the options below to find out how your kid can receive free books, pizza, and how they can earn donations for a Wausau area nonprofit!
Bookivore – Stoney Acres Farm
Elementary students can pick up a reading log at Stoney Acres Farm and if they read 20 minutes a day for 25 days they can receive a FREE personal pizza at Stoney Acres Farm!

Rollin’ Readers – D. C. Everest Area School District
Students in the D. C. Everest Area School District can pick out FREE books throughout the summer!

Sandy’s Summer Splash into Reading – Jessica Kopecky Design
Join Sandy from “Secret of the Starflower” for a summer reading incentive program with FREE kids’ prizes from area attractions ~ and raise pledge money for local literacy!

Summer Library Program – Marathon County Public Libraries
Children can earn up to two FREE books by writing reviews of 2-4 books they’ve read!

Summer Reading Program – Barnes and Noble
To earn a FREE book, kids need to record information about 8 books they’ve read over the summer.

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