The ABCs of Wausau – Update

After looking over my files for the one millionth time I attached them to an email and clicked “send”… Guess what I noticed 10 minutes later? Read on to find out!

A few months ago I submitted the files for my cover and interior pages to the U.S. based company that will be printing my book. It felt like a monumental occasion to be sending them the files that would become a printed book!

It’s a very strange feeling to know that something you’ve created in the digital world will be made into a physical item and that there will not be just one of it, but two-thousand… 2,000.

After I clicked “send” I read through the file one last time just to be doubly sure that everything was ok and guess what I found?

Uh oh… A missing dash. Yes, this:

Thankfully it was easy to add and I quickly sent the updated version to my contact. But why had I not seen that dash when I looked over it the other 999,999 times? It was frustrating to have missed it after looking over the file so many times. Well, to err is human, right?!

I want to reassure you that the version that went to press has been proofed and edited many times, and with that final added dash, well, I have to say it looks pretty much perfect!

I have not received either of my advance copies yet, BUT the printing company did recently send me an unbound proof copy! Here are a few photos of how the interior pages will look:

“The ABCs of Wausau” is currently expected to be available in mid-January, but the exact date is still TBD. Hopefully the printing company will be able to give me a delivery date estimate in a week or so!

This project would not have been possible without the help of my sponsors and all of the friends and family who helped me on this journey.

Thank you sponsors!

They not only did these sponsors help make printing this book possible, but they are collectively donating 750 copies to local kids and families!

It’s a wonderful feeling to know that so many copies of my book will already be making their way into the hands of local kids! HOWEVER, this means that there won’t be that many copies left for the rest of you.

If you want to make sure you are among the first to know once they go on sale, sign up to receive my newsletter! As a bonus, you will also receive a FREE digital copy before it launches on Amazon. Sign up below!

Stay tuned for more updates about “The ABCs of Wausau”!