It’s hard to believe that summer is almost over. Whether your child will be attending private school, or one of the Wausau, Mosinee, Merrill, DC Everest schools, or learning virtually, read on to find out ways help you and your student have a great start to the school year!
Streamline Mornings
- Have a few easy breakfast choices (we like oatmeal, muffins, and yogurt)
- If your child is slow or groggy in the morning, have them pick out their clothes the night before
- Set a timer for when they need to start getting ready (leave lots of extra time the first week)
- Get their backpack packed the night before (except for cold lunch!)
- If your child is attending in-person, don’t forget to pack a few face masks!
Drop-off or Busing
- Quiz your child about how they will get to and from school (role-play what they should do if an adult or another child tells them to do the wrong thing)
- If your child is younger and is going to ride the bus, you can write their bus number on their hand or tie a tag with important information to their backpack (car rider, bus rider with bus #, etc.) – CLICK HERE FOR MY FREE PRINTABLE
- If your child will be riding the bus, find out if there is a bus tracking app and save the bus company number in your phone in case of emergencies
The First Day
- Let your child pick out a special food – their favorite dinner, snack or breakfast food
- If your child is nervous about their first day of school, ask them if they want to have a “happy goodbye” (smiling, hugging, calm) or a “sad goodbye” (crying, clinging, upset)
- Help your child find something to wear that makes them feel brave or confident
- Many schools recommend that kindergartners try hot lunch at least once during the first week
- Help your child fill out this FREE printable “All About Me” poster and have them hold it for their first day of school photo (this will be a fun to look at many years later!)

School Involvement
- If you haven’t already had a chance to talk to your child’s teacher, write them an email to introduce your child and your family (you can also alert your child’s teacher to any learning or health issues this way)
- Consider ways you can help your child’s school – attend PTO meetings, work at a school fundraiser, donate needed items to your child’s classroom or school
I hope parents benefit from this advice and that all of the student have a great school year!
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Check out my Wausau Area Preschool Guide by clicking below!