Wunderfrau Interview: Elizabeth Messner – Sheroes Among Us

Elizabeth Messner – Sheroes Among Us

Founder and President

What do you do?

I serve as head of a board of a nonprofit along with 9 amazing, passionate, creative women. We aspire to lift young girls up in heart and in mind and encourage them to embrace their uniqueness.

What education, classes or training were helpful to you?

While I do have a B.A., have owned a business, and held various management roles, the most beneficial thing I have ever done was move around the country. Forcing myself to be a little uncomfortable challenged me to rise to the occasion, figure things out. The confidence I gained from welcoming change, compelled me to take on new challenges. I’ve been blessed with some amazing memories and amazing friendships as a result.

Why did you choose this sort of work?

I simply want to help young girls make good choices for and about themselves so that they don’t have to endure a deconstruction period in later years. There are so many influencing factors out there that determine a young girl’s opinion about herself and her potential. It’s usually everything but her authenticity that speaks the loudest. Girls often don’t recognize that they have a voice, let alone the right to use it.

What do you like best about your work?

The opportunity to connect with confident women who share my passion and seeing that connection lift others up. I love the look on a person’s face when they realize that they’ve been heard or when I’ve helped someone work through something. It’s like you can see the weight lifting from their frame.

What advice would you give girls who want to get into your field?

Be authentic in yourself no matter how much your world prefers that you’re not. Be unapologetically honest with yourself and others and do it with your arms wide open. You be you. Do it with confidence.

Anything else we should know?

Sheroes Among Us has a retreat on September 22 for girls age 11-15 at the University of Wisconsin – Marathon County campus. At the day long retreat, girls will learn how to empower themselves, embrace their unique gifts, and envision a more powerful and purposeful life. The cost is $40 and includes lunch, prize drawings, t-shirt, swag bags and more! There are scholarships available for those who qualify.

Thank you Elizabeth Messner!
To read more interviews with local wonder women, check out the Wunderfrauen Archive.