5 Easy Bento Box School Lunches

My daughter will be starting kindergarten tomorrow. (!) In an effort to distract myself, we’ve been busy remodeling our coat closet and we made three school-work display boards for our entryway. (I’ll post some pictures later this week.)

I always feel less stressed when I’m well organized. Last week I planned out 5 easy, bento box style school lunches that I knew my daughter would like.

Here are my 5 easy bento box school lunches:

Cream Cheese Bagel

Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Hard Boiled Egg

PB & J Sandwich

Salami & Sliced Cheese

Here are the two containers I used and other lunch box options:

I’m sure I’ll be looking for some new ideas soon. What do you pack in your kids’ lunches? Best of luck to all of the parents and students tomorrow!